Beef Railroad Milwaukee 1900 Milwaukee 1900 Railroad
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��� ebook � History of Watertown, Wisconsin
C. M. & St. Paul Railway
Purchased Milwaukee and Watertown Railroad
The Milwaukee and Watertown Railroad (single track), later the C. M. & St. Paul, was begun in 1851, and finished by 1855.� The funds were raised by subscriptions, and each contributed in his detail line, such as carts from the railroad vehicle makers, harnesses from the harness makers, cattle, horses, pork, oats, etc. from the farmers. This was given to the contractors in payment for the work. Some people even mortgaged their farms to aid in the construction of the railroad which at times was in bully financial trouble, just pulled out of bankruptcy.� The eastward-bound track was constructed in 1902.
Depot opened.
The Milwaukee and St. Paul Railroad Visitor are at present laying the foundation of an extensive blacksmith shop on the due west side of the river.� The new building volition exist brick, 100 anxiety long, 35 anxiety broad and a story and a half loftier.�� WD
05 19 ������ Due north. W. Pierce, ticket agent at the Junction�� WR
Watertown is beautifully situated on both sides of Rock river, in the northern part of Jefferson county and the southern function of Dodge county.� It is on the line of the La Crosse division of the C. 1000. & St. Paul Railway, 43 miles from Milwaukee and 152 from La Crosse.� A branch of this line extends from Watertown to Madison, the Capitol of the state, distant 37 miles.� The Chicago & Due north Western Railway passes through here, terminating at Dark-green Bay, 112 miles north.�
Watertown was laid out nearly the year 1836.� In 1840 a part of the boondocks was laid out in blocks and town lots, Milo Jones of Fort Atkinson being the surveyor.� Afterwards that the town took a fresh start, and the surrounding country began to settle upward with farmers.
The streets are laid out at correct angles, and are broad and pleasant.� One of the crowning glories of the metropolis is the profusion of shrubbery everywhere prevalent, lining the streets on either side, and in the door [house] yards, forest and ornamental trees vie with each other in giving a home-similar appearance, and in the spring and summer in that location is such a wilderness of foliage as to almost obscure the houses.�
The streets are well provided with substantial side-walks, normally kept in adept repair, and afford many attractive promenades and drives.�
The primary streets are Main on the east, and West Avenue on the due west of Stone river, upon either side of which are fine business houses and blocks, and many of them of beautiful design and terminate.��� Madison Urban center Directory, 1875-6 .
07 01 ������ The about extensive conflagration that ever visited Watertown occurred last Thursday nighttime at 11:thirty o'clock, past the burning of the rail mill, machine shop, carpenter shop and blacksmith shop of the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul railway situated at the junction in the 3rd ward.
07 20 ������ Jonas Sleeper 1939-1888.� In 1860 he came to Watertown; agent of C. Yard. & St. Paul Railway. Co.��� WG
If reports are true, the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Co. mean business in their movements here.� Surveyors were running lines yesterday on both sides of the river, and it is given out that the company has bought the right of way across the Rogan water reserve in the Third ward, and has purchased the Jesse Bennett lots nigh the Junction, transactions quite significant and suggestive in connexion with some other matters of a like import, all going to bear witness that something is going to be done hither very shortly to facilitate shipping freight and the ameliorate accommodations of our manufacturing of our establishments.�� WR
It is expected that the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Visitor volition once again the coming flavor make this city the headquarters for a number of work trains which will be employed at farther improving the roadbed both east and west of hither.� At present a force of men is engaged in distributing heavy new steel rails which volition exist laid from this city westward as presently as the footing is settled.� The Chicago & Northwestern Company, it is reported, will as well improve its roadbed between Janesville and Fond du Lac this flavour by laying new rails.� The demands made by these ii companies, as well as the contemplated street improvements here, volition render the flavor a very decorated ane for the Watertown laboring homo.
11 08 ������ Blow AT THE JUNCTION
At about iii o�clock final Sunday morning rider train No. 56 going east on the C.Yard.&St.P.Ry. ran into a freight railroad train on the C.&M.W.R. going south at the junction of the two roads in this city.� The engine and the luggage auto of the St. Paul train, and ii freight cars on the C.&M.W. railroad train were very desperately damaged.� Art. J. Moulding was the conductor on the rider train, and James Carroll, was engineer.� Carroll and his fireman jumped before the railroad train struck, the engine landing in a cinder pit, and the fireman on a C. &N. Ry. box car.� Neither i was injured and the passengers in the coaches escaped unhurt, not knowing for some time what had happened.� The accident occurred past the failure of the air brakes to piece of work every bit the passenger train was nearing the crossing.� The morning time was wet and the rails somewhat icy and slippery.� Wrecking trains arrived on the scene from Milwaukee and Janesville, and the rails was open up for traffic in a short time.�� WG
��� From Watertown Gazette, Friday March 13, 1908
East. R. Maxwell of Portage visited our city recently.� �Zeke� is an old-fourth dimension railroad machinist and worked in the shops hither in early wood-called-for days, when it was �upward high� and �bark side down.�� His coming reminded us of a alphabetic character we received from Jas. Nellins, Jr., several years agone, the substance of which is as follows:
Minneapolis, Nov. third, 1904
Outset 7 ENGINES
Friend James: -- You think a talk we had when I was in Watertown final August concerning the outset seven engines owned by what is now the C.M. & St. P. Ry. Co.� I saw Mr. J. O. Pattee and he is quite positive that the locomotives on the Milwaukee & Western were arranged as follows:
���� L. A. Cole, No. 1
���� Oconomowoc, No. ii
���� Watertown, No. 3
���� Columbus, No. 4
���� Hercules, No. five
���� Nebraska, No. 6
���� Fowler, No. 7
Mr. Pattee claims that although thirty-five years have passed, yet those matters are quite clear to his listen at the present day, 1904.� He readily recalled the names of the men who handled those engines, and during our talk he became quite reminiscent of his early on days in Watertown, and the following engineers:� Chas. Sanborn, Pat Lyons, Luther Sanborn, J. K. Tremaine, George Buck, O. J. C. Hammond and O. W. Washburn, appeared right before him at this twenty-four hour period, just as they looked in their young manhood.� It was during the winter of 1859-60 that Mr. Pattee and Henry Sage were promoted to take the places of George Buck and O. J. C. Hammond.� Mr. Pattee says that the �Oconomowoc� No. 2, was inverse and named �S. L. Rose� when the Rose and Jackson crowd got control of the route, as well that the South. Fifty. Rose and the Fowler were small �14x20� engines built by the Niles Loco. Works and the other five were �Menomonee�due south� built in Milwaukee.
As y'all know the original route ran from Brookfield Junction to Watertown, and then extended to Columbus, and in the year 1858 the Rose Jackson crowd got command and changed the name to Milwaukee, Watertown and Baraboo Valley, and started to build to Dominicus Prairie and this big piece of work was finished late in 1859.� In 1860 cuts were changed and the line got in shape to run trains over it at fifteen miles per hour.� Baraboo was the objective point, but was never reached.� Owing to the Ceremonious War so disturbing the financial condition of the land, all this worked stopped.� Some of the erstwhile-timers think that three of the engines were from the one-time �Niles� shops too that the �Rose and Jackson gang� stole the route.� The locomotives were fired up on Dominicus, each and every ane were run out of the �shed� manned by the engineers and fireman who were protected by squads of a German Armed forces Co. known as the �Schwartzer Jaegers� of Watertown.� Each engine was loaded with a dozen or more than soldiers, with their large hats and muskets very prominent from all points of view.
I well recollect when an engine No. 80 was congenital in the Watertown railroad shops, and named E. M. Hall, he who was principal mechanic of the road and shops.� The family lived in the firm now occupied past Wm. Quentmeyer.� A boilermaker, Thomas Tong tried to kick a lot of small boys off the flat cars that made up an excursion railroad train to Waterloo when this celebrated locomotive made its offset trip, simply the boys got out there in spite of his watchfulness.� I call back that I squatted down and hid right under the seat where Judge H. S. Orton was speaking to the crowd.� They had �oceans of beer� on the shop grounds that day, a affair that if whatever 1 tried to do now, would effect in his being kicked off the premises.� We all got to Waterloo safely and I recollect how Mr. Pattee and Andrew McElroy were marching right backside the Watertown Brass Ring.� Mr. Wm. Quentmeyer was blowing the large bass horn and Mr. Pattee spied a pocket-sized pumpkin alongside of a fence in the field.� He said to McElroy what a joke information technology would exist to toss that pumpkin into the big stop of Quentmeyer�s horn.� McElroy said �I will practise it� and do you believe he did.� They jumped over the contend, picked the pumpkin and dumped information technology into the horn, much to the chagrin of Mr. Quentmeyer, but it created lots of fun for all of the states who were looking on.
There are so many incidents of early days that come to my mind at times, that I often wish I had an old Watertown homo to talk with near them, and on a 24-hour interval like this, while writing this alphabetic character, I must admit that I am merely a lilliputian homesick to have a few hours in the skillful erstwhile town and hash out the days of �Jint ahid and Sinder Back!�
��������������� Yours very respectfully,
��������������� James Nellins
*No. 89 was not the only locomotive built in the railway shops here.� They too constructed Nos. 40, 42, threescore and fourscore, and rebuilt engines past the dozen.� Of the old engineers mentioned past Mr. Pattee earlier his decease in conversation with friend Nellins � C. Due west. Washburn and James K. Tremaine are the only ones now living.� Mr. T. visited relatives in Watertown a few years ago, and Mr. Washburn is often welcomed here.
He was brought to the urban center hall and taken into the office of Chief of law Block and Dr. F. C. Moulding, the surgeon of the road summoned, who upon examination institute ii of the bones in his right foot desperately crushed, which would in his judgment, necessitate an amputation of the foot. He dressed the wound and fabricated the poor fellow as comfy as possible under the circumstances and at seven o'clock in the evening he was taken to the Northwestern depot enroute to the poor farm at Jefferson.
The unfortunate is a Norwegian and speaks but little of the English and through an interpreter it was learned his proper noun, residence and the name of his son Carl Olson 1102 Camdem Place, Minneapolis, likewise that in a small town near Chicago he was robbed of his watch and five dollars in money by two negro roughs and was trying to beat his way back to his home.
It was quite probable that he had ridden for a long distance and existence common cold and stiffened got off the train to exercise and get his blood into apportionment and was injured in his endeavor to get upon the train again. As the poor fellow had no money with which to purchase smoking tobacco, Dr. Moulding generously gave him the money with which to buy a supply.
07 26 ������ Charabanc LINE MEETS ALL REGULAR TRAINS
Emil Pehl, proprietor of the Commercial Passenger vehicle Line says that this statement is non true, as his bus line meets all regular trains.� On Sat there was a special train at 12:10 p.m., on which several passengers arrived, but that was not known in fourth dimension for the bus driver to make it. Mr. Pehl says if those who make the statements will inform him in what time special trains are due here he will come across them as well every bit all regular trains.
- The Motorcoach Driver
eleven 09 ������ St. P. Ry. ESTABLISHES WORKS HERE
The C.M&St.P. Ry. Co. is building a carpenter shop on the site of the old rolling mill virtually the junction, which in fourth dimension may develop to large proportions.
The company has besides established temporary bridge repair works south of the depot, and the Dornfeld-Kunert Co. has contracted to repair bridges that the visitor brings into the metropolis for repairs.� One bridge was recently brought here on eight flat cars.� The pigment is taken from the iron work by means of a sand blast, and when removed the iron looks similar polished steel.� It is quite interesting to watch the work existence done.�� WG
1907������ Is the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul route discriminating against Watertown?�
1908������ Chicago, Milwaukee& St. Paul road took over the entire chain of hotels and eating houses, together with the new distribution system, along its line.
x 23 ������ Railroad train WRECK AT THE JUNCTION
C.&Due north.Westward. Ry. and C.M.&St.P. Ry. freight trains
At i o'clock final Sabbatum afternoon a double-header freight train on the C.&Due north.W. Ry. going north ran into a C.Yard.&St.P. Ry. freight going east at the railway crossing at the Junction (Union Depot).� No one was injured, but one of the C.&North.Westward. engines and a number of coaches were badly wrecked.� Conductor W. F. Clasen and Engineer Chas. Burmaster had charge of the C.M.&St.P. freight, and D. F. Harrison and C. F. Dunwiddie had charge of the Northwestern.� WG
03 26 ������ Wells Fargo took charge of the express business organization on the C.M.&St. Paul lines�� WG
06 04 ������ James Mortenson, 33 year employee, died�� WG
12 31 ������ EXHIBIT CAR
Chas. McLaughlin, son of John McLaughlin of this city, has recently been promoted from freight to passenger conductor on the C. Thousand. & St. P. Ry.� Charley is one of the best and most faithful men in the employ of that road, and has served the visitor well for over 22 years, hence has well earned his promotion.� His host of friends in Watertown and elsewhere extend to him most hearty congratulations.�� WG
xi 25 ������ Death of Herman Block, detective for C.Thousand.&St. Paul Ry. Co, onetime Watertown Main of Police�� WG
12 13 ������ TRAINS JUST Laissez passer WATERTOWN By
The following article virtually train service in Watertown, appeared in Sunday'due south event of the Wisconsin Land Journal.� The article was written by Charles Fulkerson of the State Periodical staff and was accented with three pictures in the Journal.
WATERTOWN - Richard Seivert pushed the frigid switch handle with his padded mittens, spreading a snowfall crusted track.
A hopper automobile rolled through the switch, its screeching wheels drowning out the bleating horn of a diesel.�
It was 1 thousand. and Seivert, 26, was nearing the finish of his work 24-hour interval on a four-homo switch engine crew operating out of Watertown.
He trudged to the station to run into engineer Brian Reynolds, 27.� The two joked about a beer commercial featuring a railroad crew, and and so Seivert turned momentarily serious.� "My own feeling is the railroads aren't going downhill.� Some day the United States is going to realize the railroad is the but way to go," he said earnestly.
Merely for Watertown, a manufacturing metropolis of 15,000 on the Jefferson-Dodge County line, the railroad stopped being the only mode to become years ago, and for passengers information technology became no fashion to go in 1972 when the final passenger railroad train stopped hither.�
In 1855, when the predecessor of the Milwaukee Road arrived here, Watertown was the second largest urban center in Wisconsin and according to local historian, James Rothschadl, urban center fathers had "actually grandiose plans" for turning Watertown into the majuscule and urban center of the land.
In 1859, the North Western Railway reached Watertown from Chicago, and the city's bustling future equally a track hub seemed assured.
But in their blitz to become the railroads to Watertown, metropolis fathers had underwritten bonds for the Milwaukee Road's predecessors and when the early railroads went broke, the creditors turned to the town officials for their money.
"For many years,"Rothschadl explained, "Watertown didn't have a functioning metropolis government."� The public officials the town did have meetings seldom and in secret to dodge the creditors and their warrants.� The lack of stewardship- probably hurt the growth of the boondocks, Rothschadl speculated.
The Milwaukee Road established a multifariousness of railroad shops and rail mills employing more than 100, but by the plow of the century the railroad had moved the shops elsewhere, and Watertown's importance as a rail center was on the turn down.
Today, trains are still numerous in Watertown. But, explained Jim Scribbins of the Milwaukee Road'southward corporate communications department, few of them terminate.� "Practically all of the trains that pass through Watertown do exactly that.� They pass through.
However, Scribbins called Watertown, "a relatively of import identify on our railroad."
The Fifty-shaped, stucco station at the junction of the Milwaukee Road and Due north Western Railway tracks is manned effectually the clock by a train operator who forwards written instructions to passing railroad train crews and handles initial billing for freight customers in Watertown.
An aboriginal brick freight house s of the station once served as headquarters for a freight agent and 3 clerks.� But the freight house has been abandoned; its windows are shattered and trees are growing in the tracks behind the edifice.
Lewis R. Manthey has worked in Watertown since 1955 and for many years he sold tickets to the Hiawathas bound for Minneapolis and Seattle.
But the last Hiawatha passed through Watertown more than 5 years ago. At present Manthey's only contact with passengers and passenger trains is a cursory inspection of the wheels on the four daily Amtrak trains that roar through Watertown, leaving only swirling snow backside.
The Milwaukee Road station built in 1926 is headquarters for Manthey, signal maintainer, Ken Bornitzke and ii switch engine crews that work out of Watertown.� In activeness, it is a 1000 Central
compared to the sleepy North Western station a quarter mile abroad.
Terminal spring the North Western removed the station amanuensis from Watertown and 23 other stations in Wisconsin.� The N Western division manager concluded that the small town agent was excess baggage for the railroad.� "We just don't need people to do work in those stations anymore," he said.
William Konitzer , the amanuensis forced to get out Watertown, sympathized with the railroad which claimed to be losing coin.� "But the personal bear on is lost this mode, and who could put a toll on the personal touch?" Konitzer asked.
The Northwestern nevertheless sends a train down to Watertown five days a week from Fond du Lac, but the tracks southward of the city to Johnson Creek are snowfall covered and no longer used.
The N Western'south Chicago connectedness from Watertown via Fort Atkinson and Janesville, once thought to be a blast for the town, was torn up last year.� The railroad has no plans, however, to tear up the tracks betwixt Watertown and Johnson Creek, said James McDonald of the NorthWestern'due south public diplomacy office.
Manthey estimated that an average of 25 freight cars daily are dropped off and picked upwards in Watertown past the Milwaukee Road.� The metropolis also is a junction point between the mainline and a branch that runs westward to Waterloo, Sun Prairie and Madison.
Many cars dropped off in Watertown incorporate feed and corn syrup.� A malt company in Waterloo is a big rail customer.� A Watertown fleck dealer ships his production past rail and a furnace manufacturing company occasionally sends oversized furnaces out on track flatcars.
Scribbins said the-railroad has no plans to centralize further the duties done by station operators and agents and apparently the jobs in the Watertown station are secure.� He ranked Watertown in importance equally a mainline station behind La Crosse and Portage.
"The railroad is damn of import to the community," said Paul Kehrer, president of First State Savings and Loan Clan and agile in a drive to go passenger service restored.� In terms of the city'southward economy, he said, "the time to come of Watertown being on the mainline of the Milwaukee Road has to exist real important."����� WDT 12/13/1976
06 23 ������ Junction of Chicago and N Western with Milwaukee Route tracks removed �� WDT
��� Image Portfolio� ������
Cross References:
C M & St P Railroad Span��
C M & St P Depot��
No two: � �When the St Paul Railroad came here information technology was and so poor that Daniel Jones couldn�t pay for the wood it needed to run its engines.� �Alexander Mitchell was a slap-up friend of mine and he told me that if I would pay for the forest he would run into that I didn't lose past information technology.� For two years I bought the wood for it. When the Chicago & Northwestern got this far it couldn�t get its iron, which was in bond. With several others I signed the bond that released the rails and permitted the road to go on.� These acts cost me dear.�
No 3: � 1861, Amos Bennett was chief carpenter of the C. M. & St. Paul; came to Watertown in May, 1848
No four: � 1865, John Booney employed past C. K. & St. Paul
No 5: � John Ford, 7 years was in the office of the Chief Engineer of the Milwaukee & St. Paul Railway Company.
No 6: � 1879, N C Daniels, Superintendent of the C. M. & St. Paul�south Railmill, Machine and Blacksmith Shops
No 7: � Station Agent George W. Webb, 48 years continuous railway service with the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul railroad is a record.
No 8: � George Wilder, Assistant Purchasing Agent, 1850 � 1923
Depot and train image, WHS_006_335
George Reason, 1856�1912, Employed by the C.M.&St.P. Ry. as a carpenter.�
Tabular array of Contents�
History of Watertown, Wisconsin
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