Census Bureau Median Family Income by Family Size 2019
| Parts of this article (those related to documentation) need to be updated. (September 2020) |
Median Us household income through 2019
U.S. existent median household income reached $63,688 in January 2019, an increase of $171 or 0.three% over one month (December 2018) .[1]
Household income is an economic standard that tin can be practical to ane household, or aggregated across a large group such every bit a county, urban center, or the whole country. It is commonly used by the United States government and private institutions to describe a household's economic status or to rails economic trends in the Us.
A key measure out of household income is the median income, at which one-half of households accept income higher up that level and half below. The U.South. Census Bureau reports two median household income estimates based on data from two surveys: the Current Population Survey (CPS) and the American Community Survey (ACS). The CPS is the recommended source for national-level estimates, whereas the ACS gives estimates for many geographic levels.[ii] : 19 [3] : 10 According to the CPS, the median household income was $63,179 in 2018.[2] [four] According to the ACS, the U.S. median household income in 2018 was $61,937.[3] Estimates for previous years are given in terms of real income, which take been adjusted for changes to the toll of goods and services.
The distribution of U.Southward. household income has get more unequal since around 1980, with the income share received by the meridian ane% trending upward from effectually 10% or less over the 1953–1981 period to over twenty% by 2007.[five] After falling somewhat due to the Great Recession in 2008 and 2009, inequality rose again during the economic recovery, a typical blueprint historically.[6] [7]
Definition [edit]
A household'due south income can be calculated in various ways just the United states of america Demography as of 2009 measured information technology in the post-obit style: the income of every resident of that firm that is over the age of xv, including pre-tax wages and salaries, forth with whatever pre-tax personal business organization, investment, or other recurring sources of income, as well as any kind of governmental entitlement such as unemployment insurance, social security, disability payments or child support payments received.[8]
The residents of the household do not have to exist related to the head of the household for their earnings to be considered role of the household'south income.[9] Equally households tend to share a similar economic context, the use of household income remains amidst the most widely accepted measures of income. That the size of a household is not normally taken into business relationship in such measures may misconstrue any assay of fluctuations within or among the household income categories, and may render direct comparisons between quintiles difficult or even impossible.[10] The US Census does not include noncash benefits such equally wellness benefits.[xi]
Recent trends [edit]
U.Due south. economical growth is not translating into higher median family incomes. Existent GDP per household has typically increased since the year 2000, while existent median income per household was below 1999 levels until 2016, indicating a tendency of greater income inequality.[12]
Full compensation'due south share of Gross domestic product has declined past four.five percentage points from 1970 to 2016. This implies that the share attributed to capital increased in that period.
U.S. real wages (i.east. production) for ordinary (i.due east. non-supervisory) workers remain slightly below their 1970s peak.[13]
The Electric current Population Survey of the U.S. Census Bureau reported in September 2017 that real median household income was $59,039 in 2016, exceeding any previous yr. This was the fourth sequent year with a statistically significant increase by their measure.[14]
Changes in median income reflect several trends: the aging of the population, irresolute patterns in work and schooling, and the evolving makeup of the American family unit, as well equally long- and curt-term trends in the economic system itself. For instance, the retirement of the Babe Boom generation should push button down overall median income, as more than persons enter lower-income retirement. However, analysis of different working historic period groups indicate a similar blueprint of stagnating median income equally well.[fifteen]
Announcer Annie Lowrey wrote in September 2014: "The root causes [of wage stagnation] include technological modify, the decline of labor unions, and globalization, economists think, though they disagree sharply on how much to weight each factor. Simply foreign-produced appurtenances became sharply cheaper, meaning imports climbed and production moved overseas. And computers took over for humans in many manufacturing, clerical, and administrative tasks, eroding middle-class jobs growth and suppressing wages."[16]
Another line of analysis, known as "full compensation," presents a more than consummate picture of existent wages. The Kaiser Family unit Foundation conducted a study in 2013 which shows that employer contributions to employee healthcare costs went upwards 78% from 2003 to 2013.[17] The market place has made a trade-off: expanding benefits packages vs. increasing wages.
Measured relative to GDP, total compensation and its component wages and salaries accept been failing since 1970. This indicates a shift in income from labor (persons who derive income from hourly wages and salaries) to capital letter (persons who derive income via ownership of businesses, land and avails). This trend is common beyond the developed world, due in part to globalization.[xviii] Wages and salaries have fallen from approximately 51% GDP in 1970 to 43% GDP in 2013. Full compensation has fallen from approximately 58% GDP in 1970 to 53% GDP in 2013.[nineteen]
All the same, equally indicated by the charts below, household income has still increased significantly since the late 1970s and early 80s in existent terms, partly due to higher individual median wages, and partly due to increased employment of women.
According to the CBO, betwixt 1979 and 2011, gross median household income, adjusted for aggrandizement, rose from $59,400 to $75,200, or 26.five%.[20] However, once adjusted for household size and looking at taxes from an afterward-tax perspective, real median household income grew 46%, representing meaning growth.[21]
The post-obit table summarizes real median household income at key contempo milestones:
Variable | 1999 Previous Record | 2007 Pre-Crisis Peak | 2012 Post-Crisis Trough | 2016 Previous Record | 2017 Previous Record | 2018 Record |
Real median household income[22] | $61,526 | $lx,985 | $55,900 | $61,779 | $62,626 | $63,179 |
Uses [edit]
Utilise of individual household income: The government and organizations may wait at one particular household's income to determine if a person is eligible for sure programs, such as nutrition assistance [23] or need-based financial aid,[24] amid many others.
Use at the aggregate level: Summaries of household incomes across groups of people – often the entire country – are likewise studied as function of economical trends similar standard of living and distribution of income and wealth. Household income equally an economic mensurate can be represented as a median, a hateful, a distribution, and other ways. Household income can exist studied across fourth dimension, region, educational activity level, race/ethnicity, and many other dimensions. Equally an indicator of economic trends, it may be studied along with related economic measures such equally disposable income, debt, household internet worth (which includes debt and investments, durable appurtenances like cars and houses), wealth, and employment statistics.
Median inflation-adjusted ("existent") household income [edit]
Median inflation-adjusted ("existent") household income generally increases and decreases with the business cycle, declining in each yr during the periods 1979 through 1983, 1990 through 1993, 2000 through 2004 and 2008 through 2012, while rising in each of the intervening years.[20] Extreme poverty in the United States, pregnant households living on less than $two per person per twenty-four hours before government benefits, more than doubled in absolute terms from 636,000 to 1.46 one thousand thousand households (including ii.eight million children) between 1996 and 2011, with most of this increase occurring between late 2008 and early 2011.[25]
Median household income, by canton, as of 2017.
CBO income growth study [edit]
The nonpartisan Congressional Budget Part conducted a report analyzing household income throughout the income distribution, past combining the Demography and IRS income data sources. Unlike the Census measure of household income, the CBO showed income before and after taxes, and by as well taking into account household size.[26] Also, the CBO definition of income is much broader, and includes in kind transfers as well as all monetary transfers from the government.[26] The Census' official definition of coin income excludes food stamps and the EITC, for instance, while CBO includes it.
Between 1979 and 2011, gross median household income, adjusted for inflation, rose from $59,400 to $75,200, or 26.5%. This compares with the Demography' growth of ten%.[20] Still, one time adjusted for household size and looking at taxes from an after-tax perspective, real median household income grew 46%, representing significant growth.[21]
While median gross household income showed much stronger growth than depicted by the Demography, inequality was shown to notwithstanding have increased. The superlative 10% saw gross household income grow by 78%, versus 26.5% for the median. The lesser 10%, using the same measure, saw higher growth than the median (40%).[21]
This graph shows the income since 1970 of different racial and ethnic groups in the United States (in 2014 dollars).[27]
Since 1980, U.S. gross domestic product (Gdp) per capita has increased 67%,[28] while median household income has but increased by 15%. Median household income is a politically sensitive indicator. Voters tin be critical of their government if they perceive that their toll of living is rising faster than their income.
The early on-2000s recession began with the bursting of the dot-com bubble and afflicted most advanced economies including the European Marriage, Japan and the United States. An economic recession will ordinarily cause household incomes to decrease, often by every bit much as 10%.
The tardily-2000s recession began with the bursting of the U.S. housing bubble, which caused a problem in the dangerously exposed sub prime number-mortgage market. This in plough triggered a global financial crisis. In constant price, 2011 American median household income was 1.xiii% lower than what it was in 1989. This corresponds to a 0.05% annual decrease over a 22-year menses.[29] In the meantime, Gross domestic product per capita has increased by 33.eight% or i.33% annually.[30]
A study on US Census income information claims that when using the national accounting methodology, U.S. gross median household income was $57,739 in 2010 (table 3).[31]
In 2015, the US median household income spiked 5.2 per cent, reaching $56,000, making it the first almanac hike in median household income since the start of the Peachy Recession.[32]
Mean household income [edit]
Another mutual measurement of personal income is the hateful household income. Different the median household income, which divides all households in ii halves, the mean income is the boilerplate income earned by American households. In the case of mean income, the income of all households is divided by the number of all households.[33] The hateful income is more affected by the relatively unequal distribution of income which tilts towards the peak.[34] As a consequence, the mean will exist higher than the median income, with the top earning households boosting information technology. Overall, the hateful household income in the United States, according to the Usa Census Agency 2014 Almanac Social and Economic Supplement, was $72,641.[35]
The United states of america Census Bureau too provides a breakdown past self-identified indigenous groups as follows (equally of March 2018):
Indigenous category | Mean household income |
Asian alone | $112,105 |
White lone | $99,632 |
Hispanic or Latino | $60,319 |
Black | $63,985 |
Hateful vs. median household income [edit]
Median income is the amount which divides the income distribution into two equal groups, half having income above that corporeality, and half having income below that amount. Mean income (average) is the corporeality obtained by dividing the total amass income of a grouping by the number of units in that group. The ways and medians for households and families are based on all households and families. Means and medians for people are based on people 15 years erstwhile and over with income.
—US Census Bureau, Frequently Asked Question, published by Get-go Gov.[33]
Aggregate income distribution [edit]
| This department needs to be updated. (August 2018) |
The amass income measures the combined income earned by all persons in a particular income group. In 2018, the total personal income earned in the United States was $17.vi trillion.[36] In 2008, all households in the United States earned roughly $12,442.two billion.[36] One half, 49.98%, of all income in the US was earned past households with an income over $100,000, the height twenty percent. Over one quarter, 28.v%, of all income was earned by the top 8%, those households earning more than $150,000 a yr. The height 3.65%, with incomes over $200,000, earned 17.5%. Households with annual incomes from $50,000 to $75,000, xviii.2% of households, earned xvi.v% of all income. Households with annual incomes from $50,000 to $95,000, 28.ane% of households, earned 28.eight% of all income. The lesser ten.three% earned ane.06% of all income.[ citation needed ]
Household income and demographics [edit]
Racial and ethnic groups [edit]
in 2005
White Americans made upward roughly 75.1% of all people in 2000,[37] 87.93% of all households in the top 5% were headed by a person who identified equally being White alone. Merely iv.75% of all household in the height 5% were headed by someone who identified as Hispanic or Latino of any race,[38] versus 12.v% of persons identifying themselves as Hispanic or Latino in the general population.[37]
Overall, 86.01% of all households in the tiptop two quintiles with upper-center range incomes of over $55,332 were headed by someone identifying as White lone, while 7.21% were being headed by someone who identified every bit Hispanic and 7.37% by someone who identified equally African American or Blackness.[38] Overall, households headed by Hispanics and African Americans were underrepresented in the top two quintiles and overrepresented in the bottom ii quintiles. Households headed past people who identified equally being Asian alone were besides overrepresented amongst the top ii quintiles. In the summit v percentage the per centum of Asians was nearly twice as high equally the percentage of Asians amidst the general population. Whites were relatively even distributed throughout the quintiles merely being underrepresented in the lowest quintile and slightly overrepresented in the top quintile and the height five percent.[38]
In terms of race in 2004 information, Asian-American households had the highest median household income of $57,518, European-American households ranked second with $48,977, Hispanic or Latino households ranked tertiary with $34,241. African-American or Black households had the lowest median household income of all races with $thirty,134.[39]
Ethnic group | All households | Lowest fifth | 2d 5th | Middle 5th | Quaternary fifth | Highest fifth | Top 5% | |
White alone | Number in 1000s | 92,702 | 16,940 | 18,424 | 18,978 | 19,215 | xix,721 | 5,029 |
Percentage | 81.93% | 74.87% | 81.42% | 83.87% | 84.92% | 87.16% | 87.93% | |
Asian alone | Number in 1000s | 4,140 | 624 | 593 | 786 | 871 | ane,265 | 366 |
Percentage | 3.65% | ii.76% | 2.26% | 3.47% | 3.84% | v.59% | 6.46% | |
Black | Number in 1000s | 13,792 | 4,474 | 3,339 | 2,637 | ii,053 | one,287 | 236 |
Percentage | 12.19% | xix.77% | fourteen.75% | 11.65% | 9.07% | 5.69% | 4.17% | |
Hispanic or Latino (of any race) | Number in 1000s | 12,838 | iii,023 | 3,130 | 2,863 | 1,931 | 1,204 | 269 |
Percentage | xi.33% | 13.56% | 13.83% | 12.20% | viii.53% | v.89% | 4.75% |
Source: United states of america Census Bureau, 2004 [38]
Teaching and gender [edit]
Median annual household income in accord with the householder's educational attainment. The data just includes households with a householder over the historic period of twenty-v.[twoscore]
Household income as well as per capita income in the United States ascension significantly as the educational attainment increases.[41] In 2005 graduates with a Master's in Concern Administration (MBA) who accepted job offers were expected to earn a base salary of $88,626. They were as well expected to receive an "boilerplate signing bonus of $17,428."[42]
According to the US Census Bureau persons with doctorates in the United States had an boilerplate income of roughly $81,400. The average for an advanced degree was $72,824, with men averaging $90,761 and women averaging $50,756 annually. Year-round full-time workers with a professional degree had an boilerplate income of $109,600 while those with a master's degree had an average income of $62,300. Overall, "…[a]verage earnings ranged from $eighteen,900 for high school dropouts to $25,900 for loftier school graduates, $45,400 for college graduates and $99,300 for workers with professional degrees (M.D., O.D., D.P.T., D.P.M., D.O., J.D., Pharm.D., D.D.S., or D.Five.M.)."[43]
Individuals with graduate degrees have an average per capita income exceeding the median household income of married couple families among the general population ($63,813 annually).[43] [44] Higher educational attainment did not, however, aid close the income gap between the genders as the life-time earnings for a male with a professional caste were roughly forty percent (39.59%) higher than those of a female with a professional person degree. The lifetime earnings gap between males and females was the smallest for those individuals holding an associate degrees with male person life-time earnings existence 27.77% higher than those of females. While educational attainment did not aid reduce the income inequality between men and women, it did increase the earnings potential of individuals of both sexes, enabling many households with one or more than graduate degree householders to enter the acme household income quintile.[43] These data were not adjusted for preferential differences amid men and women whom attend higher.
Household income also increased significantly with the educational attainment of the householder. The Usa Census Bureau publishes educational attainment and income data for all households with a householder who was aged twenty-five or older. The biggest income difference was between those with some college pedagogy and those who had a Bachelor'southward degree, with the latter making $23,874 more annually. Income also increased substantially with increased post-secondary education. While the median annual household income for a household with a householder having an associate degree was $51,970, the median annual household income for householders with a bachelor's degree or college was $73,446. Those with doctorates had the 2nd highest median household with a median of $96,830; $xviii,289 more that for those at the principal's caste level, but $three,170 lower than the median for households with a professional degree holding householder.[twoscore]
Criteria | Overall | Less than 9th course | Some high school | Loftier school graduate or equivalent | Some college | Associate caste | Bachelor's degree | Available's caste or more | Master's degree | Professional degree | Doctoral caste | |
Median annual individual income | Male, age 25+ | $33,517 | $xv,461 | $18,990 | $28,763 | $35,073 | $39,015 | $fifty,916 | $55,751 | $61,698 | $88,530 | $73,853 |
Female, historic period 25+ | $19,679 | $9,296 | $10,786 | $15,962 | $21,007 | $24,808 | $31,309 | $35,125 | $41,334 | $48,536 | $53,003 | |
Median annual household income[45] | $62,625 | $26,587 | $30,100 | $44,970 | $55,563 | $64,263 | $91,772 ? | $100,021 | $108,231 | $139,069 | $140,110 |
The change in median personal and household since 1991 also varied greatly with educational attainment. The following table shows the median household income co-ordinate to the educational attainment of the householder. All information is in 2003 dollars and but applies to householders whose householder is aged twenty-five or older. The highest and everyman points of the median household income are presented in assuming face.[40] [46] Since 2003, median income has continued to rise for the nation as a whole, with the biggest gains going to those with associate degrees, bachelor's caste or more, and primary's degrees. High-school dropouts fared worse with negative growth.
Year | Overall Median | Less than 9th class | Some high schoolhouse | High school graduate | Some higher | Associate degree | Bachelor's degree | Available's caste or more | Master's degree | Professional degree | Doctoral caste |
1991 | $40,873 | $17,414 | $23,096 | $37,520 | $46,296 | $52,289 | $64,150 | $68,845 | $72,669 | $102,667 | $92,614 |
1993 | $40,324 | $17,450 | $22,523 | $35,979 | $44,153 | $49,622 | $64,537 | $70,349 | $75,645 | $109,900 | $93,712 |
1995 | $42,235 | $18,031 | $21,933 | $37,609 | $44,537 | $50,485 | $63,357 | $69,584 | $77,865 | $98,302 | $95,899 |
1997 | $43,648 | $17,762 | $22,688 | $38,607 | $45,734 | $51,726 | $67,487 | $72,338 | $77,850 | $105,409 | $99,699 |
1999 | $46,236 | $19,008 | $23,977 | $39,322 | $48,588 | $54,282 | $70,925 | $76,958 | $82,097 | $110,383 | $107,217 |
2001 | $42,900 | $18,830 | $24,162 | $37,468 | $47,605 | $53,166 | $69,796 | $75,116 | $81,993 | $103,918 | $96,442 |
2003 | $45,016 | $18,787 | $22,718 | $36,835 | $45,854 | $56,970 | $68,728 | $73,446 | $78,541 | $100,000 | $96,830 |
Boilerplate | $43,376 | $18,183 | $23,013 | $37,620 | $46,109 | $51,934 | $66,997 | $72,376 | $78,094 | $104,368 | $94,487 |
Source: United states of america Census Agency, 2003 [40]
Historic period of householder [edit]
Household income in the United States varies substantially with the age of the person who heads the household. Overall, the median household income increased with the age of householder until retirement age when household income started to turn down.[48] The highest median household income was institute among households headed by working baby-boomers.[48]
Households headed by persons between the ages of 45 and 54 had a median household income of $61,111 and a mean household income of $77,634. The median income per member of household for this item group was $27,924. The highest median income per member of household was amidst those between the ages of 54 and 64 with $thirty,544 [The reason this figure is lower than the side by side group is considering pensions and Social Security add to income while a portion of older individuals also have work-related income.].[48]
The group with the 2d highest median household income, were households headed by persons between the ages 35 and 44 with a median income of $56,785, followed by those in the age group between 55 and 64 with $50,400. Not surprisingly the everyman income group was composed of those households headed by individuals younger than 24, followed by those headed past persons over the age of 75. Overall, households headed by persons above the historic period of 70-five had a median household income of $20,467 with the median household income per fellow member of household beingness $18,645. These figures back up the general assumption that median household income as well equally the median income per member of household peaked among those households headed by centre aged persons, increasing with the age of the householder and the size of the household until the householder reaches the age of 64. With retirement income replacing salaries and the size of the household failing, the median household income decreases as well.[48]
Household size [edit]
While median household income has a trend to increase up to four persons per household, it declines for households across 4 persons. For example, in the country of Alabama in 2004, two-person households had a median income of $39,755, with $48,957 for 3-person households, $54,338 for iv-person households, $50,905 for five-person households, $45,435 for half-dozen-person households, with seven-or-more than-person households having the second lowest median income of only $42,471.[49]
Geography [edit]
Considering other racial and geographical differences in regards to household income, information technology should come as no surprise that the median household income varies with race, size of household and geography. The state with the highest median household income in the United States as of the Us Census Agency 2009 is Maryland with $69,272, followed by New Jersey, Connecticut and Alaska, making the Northeastern United states the wealthiest area by income in the entire country.[50]
Regionally, in 2010, the Northeast reached a median income of $53,283, the West, $53,142, the Due south, $45,492, and the Midwest, $48,445.[51] Each effigy represents a decline from the previous year.
Median household income past country [edit]
Map of states by median household income in 2019.
In 2007, the median household income by state ranged from $36,338 in Mississippi to $68,080 in Maryland. Despite having the highest median dwelling house toll in the nation[52] and home prices that far outpaced incomes,[53] California ranked merely eighth in income that twelvemonth, with a median household income of $59,984. While California's median income was not near enough to afford the average California dwelling or fifty-fifty a starter dwelling, West Virginia, which had one of the nation'southward everyman median household incomes, besides had the nation'south lowest median home price.[52] [54]
When grouped past Demography Bureau Region, of the 15 states that, in 2017, had the highest median household income, simply Minnesota is located in the Mid-W. Five are in the Northeast (Connecticut, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Bailiwick of jersey and Rhode Island), three are South Atlantic states (Washington D.C., Maryland and Virginia) while the remaining six are in the West (Alaska, California, Colorado, Hawaii, Washington and Utah).
The southern states had, on average, the lowest median household income, with ix of the country'due south fifteen poorest states located in the South. Notwithstanding, most of the poverty in the South is located in rural areas. Metropolitan areas such as Atlanta, Nashville, Charlotte, Raleigh, Birmingham, Dallas, Houston, and Miami are areas within the southern states that have in a higher place average income levels. Overall, median household income tended to exist the highest in the nation's most urbanized northeastern, upper midwestern and west coast states, while rural areas, by and large in the southern and mountain states (like New Mexico, Montana and Idaho), had the lowest median household income.[54]
Every bit of 2019, the median household income ranged from $twenty,474 in Puerto Rico to $92,266 in the Commune of Columbia. Notation that the U.S. Census Bureau treats Puerto Rico equally if it were a state (Puerto Rico is included in the American Customs Survey).[55]
All data is from the 2009–2019 American Community Survey ane-Yr Estimates.[56] [57] [58] [59] [60]
Rank | +/- * | State or territory | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 |
ane | +8 | District of Columbia | $92,266 | $85,203 | $82,336 | $75,506 | $75,628 | $71,648 | $67,572 | $65,246 | $66,583 | $63,124 | $59,290 |
ii | −1 | Maryland | $86,738 | $83,242 | $eighty,776 | $78,945 | $75,847 | $73,971 | $72,483 | $71,836 | $70,004 | $68,854 | $69,272 |
3 | +three | Massachusetts | $85,843 | $79,835 | $77,385 | $75,297 | $seventy,628 | $69,160 | $66,768 | $65,339 | $62,859 | $62,072 | $64,081 |
iv | −2 | New Jersey | $85,751 | $81,740 | $80,088 | $76,126 | $72,222 | $72,919 | $70,165 | $69,667 | $67,458 | $67,681 | $68,342 |
5 | - | Hawaii | $83,102 | $eighty,212 | $77,765 | $74,511 | $73,486 | $69,592 | $68,020 | $66,259 | $61,821 | $63,030 | $64,098 |
6 | +iv | California | $80,440 | $75,277 | $71,805 | $67,739 | $64,500 | $61,933 | $60,190 | $58,328 | $57,287 | $57,708 | $58,931 |
7 | −four | Connecticut | $78,833 | $76,348 | $74,168 | $73,433 | $71,346 | $70,048 | $67,098 | $67,276 | $65,753 | $64,032 | $67,034 |
8 | +4 | Washington | $78,687 | $74,043 | $70,979 | $67,106 | $64,129 | $61,366 | $58,405 | $57,573 | $56,835 | $55,631 | $56,548 |
9 | −two | New Hampshire | $77,933 | $74,991 | $73,381 | $seventy,936 | $70,303 | $66,532 | $64,230 | $63,280 | $62,647 | $61,042 | $60,567 |
10 | +4 | Colorado | $77,127 | $71,953 | $69,117 | $65,685 | $63,909 | $61,303 | $58,823 | $56,765 | $55,387 | $54,046 | $55,430 |
11 | −3 | Virginia | $76,456 | $72,577 | $71,535 | $68,114 | $66,262 | $64,902 | $62,666 | $61,741 | $61,882 | $60,674 | $59,330 |
12 | +3 | Utah | $75,780 | $71,414 | $68,358 | $65,977 | $62,912 | $60,922 | $59,770 | $57,049 | $55,869 | $54,744 | $55,117 |
xiii | −9 | Alaska | $75,463 | $74,346 | $73,181 | $76,440 | $73,355 | $71,583 | $72,237 | $67,712 | $67,825 | $64,576 | $66,953 |
14 | −one | Minnesota | $74,593 | $70,315 | $68,388 | $65,599 | $63,488 | $61,481 | $60,702 | $58,906 | $56,954 | $55,459 | $55,616 |
15 | +i | New York | $72,108 | $67,844 | $64,894 | $62,909 | $60,850 | $58,878 | $57,369 | $56,448 | $55,246 | $54,148 | $54,659 |
16 | +i | Rhode Island | $71,169 | $64,340 | $63,870 | $60,596 | $58,073 | $54,891 | $55,902 | $54,554 | $53,636 | $52,254 | $54,119 |
17 | −vi | Delaware | $seventy,176 | $64,805 | $62,852 | $61,757 | $61,255 | $59,716 | $57,846 | $54,554 | $58,814 | $55,847 | $56,860 |
18 | - | Illinois | $69,187 | $65,030 | $62,992 | $sixty,960 | $59,588 | $57,444 | $56,210 | $55,137 | $53,234 | $52,972 | $53,966 |
xix | +six | Oregon | $67,058 | $63,246 | $60,212 | $57,532 | $54,148 | $51,075 | $l,251 | $49,161 | $46,816 | $46,560 | $48,457 |
twenty | - | Wyoming | $65,003 | $61,584 | $60,434 | $59,882 | $lx,214 | $57,055 | $58,752 | $54,901 | $56,322 | $53,512 | $52,664 |
21 | +eight | North Dakota | $64,577 | $63,837 | $61,843 | $60,656 | $60,557 | $59,029 | $55,759 | $53,585 | $51,704 | $48,670 | $47,827 |
22 | - | Wisconsin | $64,168 | $60,773 | $59,305 | $56,811 | $55,638 | $52,622 | $51,467 | $51,059 | $50,395 | $49,001 | $49,993 |
23 | +4 | Texas | $64,034 | $sixty,629 | $59,206 | $56,565 | $55,653 | $53,035 | $51,704 | $fifty,740 | $49,392 | $48,615 | $48,259 |
24 | –1 | Pennsylvania | $63,463 | $60,905 | $59,195 | $56,907 | $55,702 | $53,234 | $52,007 | $51,230 | $50,228 | $49,288 | $49,520 |
25 | −half-dozen | Nevada | $63,276 | $58,646 | $58,003 | $55,180 | $52,431 | $51,450 | $51,230 | $49,760 | $48,927 | $51,001 | $53,341 |
26 | - | Nebraska | $63,229 | $59,566 | $59,970 | $56,927 | $54,996 | $52,686 | $51,440 | $50,723 | $l,296 | $52,504 | $48,408 |
27 | −6 | Vermont | $63,001 | $60,782 | $57,513 | $57,677 | $56,990 | $54,166 | $52,578 | $52,997 | $52,776 | $49,406 | $51,618 |
28 | +2 | Kansas | $62,087 | $58,218 | $56,422 | $54,935 | $53,906 | $52,504 | $l,972 | $l,241 | $48,264 | $48,257 | $47,817 |
29 | −5 | Arizona | $62,055 | $59,246 | $56,581 | $53,558 | $51,492 | $50,068 | $48,510 | $47,826 | $46,709 | $46,789 | $48,745 |
30 | +viii | Georgia | $61,980 | $58,756 | $56,183 | $53,559 | $51,244 | $49,321 | $47,829 | $47,209 | $46,007 | $46,430 | $44,736 |
31 | −three | Iowa | $61,691 | $59,955 | $58,570 | $56,247 | $54,736 | $53,712 | $52,229 | $50,957 | $49,427 | $47,961 | $48,044 |
32 | +5 | Idaho | $60,999 | $55,583 | $52,225 | $51,807 | $48,275 | $47,861 | $46,783 | $45,489 | $43,341 | $43,490 | $44,926 |
33 | +one | Michigan | $59,584 | $56,697 | $54,909 | $52,492 | $51,084 | $49,847 | $48,273 | $46,859 | $45,981 | $45,413 | $45,255 |
34 | +2 | South Dakota | $59,533 | $56,274 | $56,894 | $54,467 | $53,017 | $l,979 | $48,947 | $48,362 | $48,321 | $45,904 | $45,043 |
35 | +4 | Florida | $59,227 | $55,462 | $52,594 | $50,860 | $49,426 | $47,463 | $46,036 | $45,040 | $44,299 | $44,409 | $44,736 |
36 | −5 | Maine | $58,924 | $55,602 | $56,277 | $53,079 | $51,494 | $49,462 | $46,974 | $46,709 | $46,033 | $45,815 | $45,734 |
37 | −4 | Ohio | $58,642 | $56,111 | $54,021 | $52,334 | $51,075 | $49,308 | $48,081 | $46,829 | $45,749 | $45,090 | $45,395 |
38 | −6 | Indiana | $57,603 | $55,746 | $54,181 | $52,314 | $50,532 | $49,446 | $47,529 | $46,974 | $46,438 | $44,613 | $45,424 |
39 | −4 | Missouri | $57,409 | $54,478 | $53,578 | $51,746 | $l,238 | $48,363 | $46,931 | $45,321 | $45,247 | $44,301 | $45,229 |
twoscore | - | North Carolina | $57,341 | $53,855 | $52,752 | $50,584 | $47,830 | $46,556 | $45,906 | $45,150 | $43,916 | $43,326 | $43,674 |
41 | +3 | Montana | $57,153 | $55,328 | $53,386 | $50,027 | $49,509 | $46,328 | $46,972 | $45,076 | $44,222 | $42,666 | $42,322 |
42 | - | South Carolina | $56,227 | $52,306 | $50,570 | $49,501 | $47,238 | $45,238 | $44,163 | $43,107 | $43,916 | $42,018 | $42,442 |
43 | +ii | Tennessee | $56,071 | $52,375 | $51,340 | $48,547 | $47,275 | $44,361 | $44,297 | $42,764 | $41,693 | $41,461 | $41,725 |
44 | +2 | Oklahoma | $54,449 | $51,924 | $fifty,051 | $49,176 | $48,568 | $47,529 | $45,690 | $44,312 | $43,225 | $42,072 | $41,664 |
45 | +3 | Kentucky | $52,295 | $fifty,247 | $48,375 | $46,659 | $44,765 | $42,958 | $43,399 | $41,724 | $41,141 | $xl,062 | $40,072 |
46 | −5 | New United mexican states | $51,945 | $47,169 | $46,744 | $46,748 | $45,382 | $44,803 | $43,872 | $42,558 | $41,963 | $42,090 | $43,028 |
47 | - | Alabama | $51,734 | $49,861 | $48,123 | $46,257 | $44,765 | $42,830 | $42,849 | $41,574 | $41,415 | $40,474 | $twoscore,489 |
48 | −5 | Louisiana | $51,073 | $47,905 | $46,145 | $45,146 | $45,727 | $44,555 | $44,164 | $42,944 | $41,734 | $42,505 | $42,429 |
49 | +two | Arkansas | $48,952 | $47,062 | $45,869 | $45,907 | $42,798 | $44,922 | $39,376 | $39,018 | $41,302 | $38,587 | $36,538 |
50 | −1 | Westward Virginia | $48,850 | $44,097 | $43,469 | $43,385 | $42,019 | $41,059 | $41,253 | $40,196 | $38,482 | $37,218 | $37,435 |
51 | −ane | Mississippi | $45,792 | $44,717 | $43,529 | $41,754 | $40,593 | $39,680 | $37,963 | $37,095 | $36,919 | $36,851 | $36,646 |
52 | — | Puerto Rico | $20,474 | $20,296 | $19,775 | $20,078 | $xviii,810 | $eighteen,948 | $19,183 | $19,630 | — | — | — |
*change since 2009
The median personal income per person, after adjusting for costs of living with local regional price parities and the national PCE price index, averaged $47,807 in 2016 (in 2012 chained dollars). Median adjusted personal income per capita varied from $39,901 in Mississippi to $61,601 in Connecticut (and $64,363 in the District of Columbia). The states closest to the national average were California and Vermont, at $48,384 and $47,971 respectively.[61]
Median household income by U.S. territory [edit]
Below is the median household income for the U.Southward. territories in 2010 (for iv of the 5 inhabited territories).[62] Annotation that Puerto Rico is not included in this table, and is instead included in the table in a higher place (because Puerto Rico is included in the ACS, equally if information technology were a state).
Rank | Territory | 2010 U.Southward. Demography |
1 | Guam | $48,274 |
2 | U.S. Virgin Islands | $37,254 |
3 | American Samoa | $23,892 |
4 | Northern Mariana Islands | $19,958 |
Household income is one of the most usually used measures of income and, therefore, also one of the nigh prominent indicators of social course. Household income and education practise non, however, always reflect perceived class condition correctly. Sociologist Dennis Gilbert acknowledges that "... the form construction... does not exactly match the distribution of household income" with "the mismatch [being] greatest in the eye..." (Gilbert, 1998: 92) As social classes ordinarily overlap, it is not possible to define exact class boundaries.
According to Leonard Beeghley[ citation needed ] a household income of roughly $95,000 would be typical of a dual-earner middle class household while $60,000 would be typical of a dual-earner working class household and $eighteen,000 typical for an impoverished household. William Thompson and Joseph Hickey[ citation needed ] encounter common incomes for the upper grade as those exceeding $500,000 with upper middle class incomes ranging from the high v-figures to nearly normally in excess of $100,000. They claim the lower middle class ranges from $35,000 to $75,000; $16,000 to $30,000 for the working form and less than $2,000 for the lower class.
Dennis Gilbert, 2002 | William Thompson & Joseph Hickey, 2005 | Leonard Beeghley, 2004 | |||
Class | Typical characteristics | Course | Typical characteristics | Grade | Typical characteristics |
Capitalist class (1%) | Top-level executives, high-rung politicians, heirs. Ivy League education common. | Upper class (1%) | Top-level executives, celebrities, heirs; income of $500,000+ common. Ivy league instruction common. | The super-rich (0.9%) | Multi-millionaires whose incomes commonly exceed $3.five one thousand thousand or more; includes celebrities and powerful executives/politicians. Ivy League education common. |
Upper middle grade[1] (15%) | Highly-educated (oft with graduate degrees), most commonly salaried, professionals and middle direction with large piece of work autonomy. | Upper middle course[1] (15%) | Highly-educated (often with graduate degrees) professionals & managers with household incomes varying from the high 5-figure range to commonly above $100,000. | The rich (5%) | Households with net worth of $1 meg or more; largely in the form of home equity. More often than not have college degrees. |
Middle grade (plurality/ majority?; ca. 46%) | College-educated workers with considerably college-than-average incomes and compensation; a man making $57,000 and a woman making $40,000 may be typical. | ||||
Lower middle class (30%) | Semi-professionals and craftsmen with a roughly average standard of living. Nigh have some higher education and are white-collar. | Lower middle grade (32%) | Semi-professionals and craftsmen with some piece of work autonomy; household incomes unremarkably range from $35,000 to $75,000. Typically, some college education. | ||
Working class (30%) | Clerical and virtually blue-neckband workers whose work is highly routinized. Standard of living varies depending on number of income earners, but is commonly just adequate. High schoolhouse education. | ||||
Working class (32%) | Clerical, pink- and blue-neckband workers with frequently low task security; common household incomes range from $sixteen,000 to $xxx,000. High school instruction. | Working class (ca. forty–45%) | Blue-neckband workers and those whose jobs are highly routinized with depression economical security; a man making $40,000 and a woman making $26,000 may be typical. Loftier schoolhouse pedagogy. | ||
Working poor (xiii%) | Service, low-rung clerical and some blue-neckband workers. High economic insecurity and risk of poverty. Some high school teaching. | ||||
Lower form (ca. 14–20%) | Those who occupy poorly-paid positions or rely on government transfers. Some high school education. | ||||
Underclass (12%) | Those with limited or no participation in the labor force. Reliant on authorities transfers. Some loftier schoolhouse instruction. | The poor (ca. 12%) | Those living below the poverty line with limited to no participation in the labor forcefulness; a household income of $eighteen,000 may exist typical. Some high schoolhouse teaching. | ||
Distribution of household income [edit]
Distribution of household income in 2014 according to U.s. Census data [edit]
Percent of persons and households in each of the income groups shown.[ citation needed ]
The percent of households with half-dozen figure incomes and individuals with incomes in the top 10%, exceeding $77,500.[ citation needed ]
Income of Household | Number (thousands) [63] | Percentage | Percentile | Mean Income [63] | Mean number of earners [64] | Hateful size of household [64] |
Total | 124,587 | — | — | $75,738 | one.28 | 2.54 |
Under $5,000 | 4571 | 3.67% | 0 | $i,080 | 0.xx | i.91 |
$five,000 to $9,999 | 4320 | iii.47% | 3.67th | $7,936 | 0.34 | i.78 |
$ten,000 to $fourteen,999 | 6766 | v.43% | 7.14th | $12,317 | 0.39 | 1.71 |
$xv,000 to $xix,999 | 6779 | 5.44% | 12.57th | $17,338 | 0.54 | 1.xc |
$xx,000 to $24,999 | 6865 | 5.51% | 18.01th | $22,162 | 0.73 | two.07 |
$25,000 to $29,999 | 6363 | 5.eleven% | 23.52th | $27,101 | 0.82 | ii.xix |
$30,000 to $34,999 | 6232 | five.00% | 28.63th | $32,058 | 0.94 | 2.27 |
$35,000 to $39,999 | 5857 | 4.70% | 33.63th | $37,061 | one.04 | 2.31 |
$40,000 to $44,999 | 5430 | four.36% | 38.33th | $41,979 | 1.15 | 2.xl |
$45,000 to $49,999 | 5060 | 4.06% | 42.69th | $47,207 | 1.24 | ii.52 |
$50,000 to $54,999 | 5084 | 4.08% | 46.75th | $51,986 | 1.32 | two.54 |
$55,000 to $59,999 | 4220 | 3.39% | 50.83th | $57,065 | 1.41 | 2.56 |
$sixty,000 to $64,999 | 4477 | 3.59% | 54.22th | $62,016 | 1.46 | ii.64 |
$65,000 to $69,999 | 3709 | two.98% | 57.81st | $67,081 | 1.51 | 2.67 |
$lxx,000 to $74,999 | 3737 | iii.00% | 60.79th | $72,050 | 1.57 | two.73 |
$75,000 to $79,999 | 3484 | 2.80% | 63.79th | $77,023 | 1.60 | two.79 |
$lxxx,000 to $84,999 | 3142 | 2.52% | 66.58th | $81,966 | 1.63 | ii.79 |
$85,000 to $89,999 | 2750 | two.21% | 69.11th | $87,101 | 1.77 | ii.ninety |
$90,000 to $94,999 | 2665 | two.14% | 71.31th | $92,033 | ane.82 | 2.96 |
$95,000 to $99,999 | 2339 | 1.88% | 73.45th | $97,161 | 1.81 | two.97 |
$100,000 to $104,999 | 2679 | 2.xv% | 75.33th | $101,921 | i.79 | iii.01 |
$105,000 to $109,999 | 2070 | ane.66% | 77.48th | $107,187 | ane.88 | three.01 |
$110,000 to $114,999 | 1922 | 1.54% | 79.14th | $112,069 | 1.93 | 3.12 |
$115,000 to $119,999 | 1623 | one.30% | eighty.68th | $117,133 | 1.98 | 3.14 |
$120,000 to $124,999 | 1863 | 1.50% | 81.99th | $122,127 | 1.93 | 3.09 |
$125,000 to $129,999 | 1452 | 1.17% | 83.48th | $127,166 | 1.99 | 3.12 |
$130,000 to $134,999 | 1512 | 1.21% | 84.65th | $131,863 | 2.00 | three.18 |
$135,000 to $139,999 | 1219 | 0.98% | 85.86th | $137,284 | 1.98 | 3.xi |
$140,000 to $144,999 | 1290 | i.04% | 86.84th | $142,199 | 1.97 | 3.03 |
$145,000 to $149,999 | 1024 | 0.82% | 87.87th | $147,130 | ii.01 | 3.11 |
$150,000 to $154,999 | 1146 | 0.92% | 88.70th | $151,940 | 1.85 | 3.12 |
$155,000 to $159,999 | 848 | 0.68% | 89.62th | $157,177 | 2.08 | 3.xv |
$160,000 to $164,999 | 875 | 0.lxx% | 90.30th | $162,019 | 2.02 | 3.thirteen |
$165,000 to $169,999 | 786 | 0.63% | 91.00th | $167,101 | 2.10 | three.16 |
$170,000 to $174,999 | 717 | 0.58% | 91.63th | $172,169 | 2.17 | three.21 |
$175,000 to $179,999 | 607 | 0.49% | 92.21th | $177,187 | 2.19 | 3.28 |
$180,000 to $184,999 | 619 | 0.l% | 92.69th | $182,055 | 2.03 | 3.xix |
$185,000 to $189,999 | 556 | 0.45% | 93.19th | $187,299 | 2.03 | 3.20 |
$190,000 to $194,999 | 485 | 0.39% | 93.64th | $192,241 | 2.xix | 3.29 |
$195,000 to $199,999 | 436 | 0.35% | 94.03th | $197,211 | 2.23 | 3.27 |
$200,000 to $249,999 | 3249 | 2.61% | 94.38th | $220,267 | 2.08 | 3.24 |
$250,000 and over | 3757 | three.02% | 96.98th | $402,476 |
Run across also [edit]
- List of countries by average wage
- Income inequality in the United States
- Economy of the United States
- Personal income in the United States
- Employee compensation in the U.s.a.
- Standard of living in the The states
- Income inequality metrics
- Atkinson index
- Gini coefficient
- Hoover index
- Theil index
- International Ranking of Household Income
- Spousal relationship gap
- Median income per household member
References [edit]
- ^ Federal Reserve Economic Data-Real Median Household Income-Retrieved September 15, 2018
- ^ a b "Income and Poverty in the Us: 2018" (PDF). census.gov. U.South. Department of Commerce. Retrieved July 20, 2020.
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- ^ "Median income (dollars)—HOUSEHOLD INCOME BY RACE AND HISPANIC OR LATINO ORIGIN OF HOUSEHOLDER—Households—Estimate in 52 Geos in 2019". Usa Demography Bureau. Retrieved Feb 21, 2022.
- ^ https://world wide web.census.gov/content/dam/Census/library/publications/2017/acs/acsbr16-02.pdf U.S. Census Bureau. Household Income: 2016. Retrieved July 2, 2020.
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- ^ https://world wide web.theweeklyjournal.com/politics/trump-signs-bill-avoiding-medicaid-cliff-for-puerto-rico-for/article_6905fce2-e473-11e9-9195-9fbdbb0490af.html Theweeklyjournal.com. Trump Signs Bill Avoiding Medicaid Cliff for Puerto Rico—For At present. Rosario Fajardo. October 2, 2019. Retrieved July ii, 2020.
- ^ Bureau of Economic Assay: Regional Data. RPI1 Existent Personal Income per capita past state. U.Due south. Section of Commerce. Updated September 25, 2018. Retrieved October viii, 2018.
- ^ American FactFinder. U.South. Census Bureau. Profile of Selected Economic Characteristics: 2010. Table DP-3 (for American Samoa / Guam / Northern Mariana Islands / U.S. Virgin Islands). [URLs no longer available]).
- ^ a b "Income Distribution to $250,000 or More for Households: 2014". US Census Bureau. Retrieved March 25, 2016.
- ^ a b "Selected Characteristics of Households, past Total Money Income in 2014" (XLS). US Census Bureau. Retrieved March 21, 2016. [ permanent dead link ]
External links [edit]
- Income, Poverty, and Wellness Insurance Coverage in the Us: 2003
- Reynolds, Alan (January 8, 2007). "Has U.S. Income Inequality Really Increased?". Policy Analysis. Cato Institute (586).
- U.S. Census Agency's web-site for income statistics
- NPR.org statistics and background on income inequality in the United States
- Datasets by U.S. State of low income, very low income, extremely low income limits
Source: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Household_income_in_the_United_States
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