Funny Kids Joke to Laugh Out Loud

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These super funny kids jokes are sure to bring a smile and some laughter. Here are over 100 hilarious jokes for kids to keep everyone laughing. You'll even find a couple of corny jokes for kids that are sure to create a giggle or two.

We love telling jokes at dinner or on a long car ride!  If you still need more try these jokes for children.

two girls laughing telling kids jokes

I have compiled a long list of what I think are some best jokes for kids.  I tested them on my own children (and husband) and we all were cracking up with these good jokes!

These silly jokes for kids are a great way to kill a little time when you are trying to keep kids organized or a child occupied.  Waiting in line, waiting at a restaurant, waiting for the dentist!

Pull the jokes up on your phone or here they in a printable form.

Download —> Printable FUNNY Kid Jokes

A Long List of Hilariously Funny Jokes for Kids

Q: Why did the computer go to the dentist?
A: It had a blue tooth.

Q. Why did the bicycle fall over?
A: It was two tired.

Q: How does a cow do math?
A: With a cow-culator!

Q: What do you get when you cross a turtle with a porcupine?
A: A slowpoke.

Q: Why is a baseball stadium always cool?
A: It is full of fans.

Q: What do you call an alligator in a vest?
A: An investigator!

Q: Why did the toilet paper roll down the hill?
A: To get to the bottom!

Q: What is the witch's favorite school subject?
A: Spelling!

Q: What did one wall say to the other wall?
A:  I'll meet you at the corner!

Q: Why can't your nose be 12 inches long?
A: Because then it would be a foot.

Q: How do you get a tissue to dance?
A:  You put a little boogie in it

Q: Why did they quit giving tests at the zoo?
A:  Because it was full of cheetahs

Q: Why is a bad joke like a pencil?
A:  Because it has no point

Q:What do you call a pig that knows karate?
A: a pork chop!

Q: Why are ghosts bad liars?
A: Because you can see right through them!

Q: What animal needs to wear a wig?
A: A bald eagle!

Q: Where do polar bears keep their money?
A:  A snow bank.

Q: What room can no one enter?
A:  A mushroom

Q: What kind of key can never unlock a door?
A:  A monkey

Q: What has four wheels and flies?
A:  A garbage truck

Q: Why do graveyards have a fence around them?
A:  Because people are dying to get in.

Q: What did the cheerleader say to the ghost?
A:  Show your spirit.

Q: What did one eye say to the other?
A:  Between you and me something smells.

Q: What do you call fake noodles?
A:  Im-pasta

Q: How does the ocean say hello?
A:  It waves

Q: What do you call cheese that is not yours?
A:  Nacho cheese

Q: What does a nosey pepper do?
A:  Gets jalapeno your business

Q: What do you call a pig that knows karate?
A:  Pork Chop

Q: Why can't you give Elsa a balloon?
A:  Because she will let it go

Q: What is the smartest kind of bee?
A:  A spelling bee

Q: Why do bees have sticky hair?
A:  They use a honey comb

Q: What do you get when you cross an elephant and a potato?
A:  Mashed potatoes

Q: What do you call an old snowman?
A:  Water

Q: Why is a baseball stadium always cool?
A:  It is full of fans

Q: Why did Santa go to music school?
A:  So he could improve his wrapping skills

Q: Why couldn't the pirate learn the alphabet?
A:  Because he was always lost at C

Q:What did the man say when he walked into a bar?
A:  Ouch!

Q:What are the strongest days of the week?
A:  Saturday and Sunday.  Every other day is a weekday

Q:What goes tick-tock and woof-woof?
A:  A watchdog

Q:What do you call a monkey that loves potato chips?
A:  A chipmonk

Q:What did the girl ocean say to the boy ocean when he asked her out on a date?
A:  Shore

Q:Why do shoemakers go to heaven?
A:  Because they have good soles

Q:What did one plate say to another plate?
A:  Dinner is on me

Q:Why did they bury the battery?
A:  Because it was dead.

Q:What time is it when an elephant sits on your fence?
A:  Time to get a new fence

Q:Why don't dinosaurs eat clowns?
A:  Because they taste funny

Q:Why did the girl throw a stick of butter?
A:  She wanted to see a butter fly

Q: What did the finger say to the thumb?
A: I'm in glove with you

Q:What has only one eye, but still can't see?
A:  A needle

 Updated More Funny Jokes To Tell

If you still feel at a loss when your child says, "tell me a funny joke" here are a few more that I just added.  I think they are some really good jokes for kids! Having a good sense of humor can brighten your days!

Q: What gets wetter the more it dries?
A: A towel!

Q: Why do bicycles fall over?
A: They are too tired.

Q: What did the pencil say to the paper?
A: Write on!

Q: Why was the baby strawberry crying?
A: Because his parents were in a jam.

Q: Why did the scarecrow get a big promotion?
A: Because he was outstanding in his field..

Q: What do you call a cow with three legs?
A: Lean beef

Q: Want me to tell you a joke about pizza?
A: Sorry, it is too cheesy.

Q: Why was the broom late?
A: It overswept.

Q: Why did the golfer wear two pairs of pants?
A: In case he got a hole in one.

Q: Why did Mozart sell his chickens?
A: They kept saying, "Bach, Bach, Bach."

Q: What word starts with E and has only one letter in it?
A: Envelope.

Q:Why is dark spelled with a K and not a C?
A: Because you can't see in the dark.

Q: How many tickles does it take to make an octopus laugh?
A: Ten tickles

Q: Why did the kid throw the clock out the window?
A: He wanted to see time fly.

Q: Why did the banana go to the doctor?
A: Itwasn't peeling well.

Q: What kind of tree can fit into your hand?
A: A palm tree!

Q: How can you tell that a tree is a dogwood tree?
A: By its bark!

Q: What do you call a bear with no teeth?
A: A Gummy Bear

Q: Why did the skeleton go to the dance alone?
A: He had no body to go with him!

Q: What did the stamp say to the envelope?
A: Stick with me, and we will go places!

Q: What's another name for a clever duck?
A: Wise quacker!

Q: Why did the man run around his bed?
A: To catch up on his sleep.

Q: Why didn't the baby skeleton cross the road alone?
A: Because his mummy was not there!

Q. What do you call a cow with no legs?
A. Ground beef.

Q: What nails do carpenters hate hammering?
A: Fingernails

Q: Why do seagulls fly over the sea?
A: Because if they flew over the bay they'd be bagels.

Q: What did the traffic light say to the car?
A: Don't peek – I'm changing!

Q: What falls in winter but never gets hurt?
A: The snow!

Q: Why did the teacher put on sunglasses?
A: Because her students were so bright!

Q: How did Benjamin Franklin feel when he discovered electricity?
A: Shocked!

Q: What do you call a flower that runs on electricity?
A: A power plant!

Q: Why couldn't the pony sing in the choir?
A: Because she was a little horse!

Q: Why did the cookie go to the nurse?
A: Because he felt crummy!

Q: How do you keep a bull from charging?
A: Take away its credit card!

Q: What did one plate say to the other?
A: Dinner is on me!

Q: Why did the dinosaur cross the road?
A: It was the chicken's day off

Q: What do you get when you cross a snowman with a vampire
A: Frostbite!

Q: What do you call a sleeping bull?
A: A bulldozer!

Q: What can you catch but not throw?
A: A cold!

Q: What has hands but can't clap?
A: A clock!

Q: What do you call a dog that can tell time?
A: A watch dog!

Q: What has a ton of ears but can't hear a thing?
A: A cornfield.

Q: What goes up and down but does not move?
A: Stairs

Q: Why do the French like to eat snails?
A: Because they don't like fast food!

Q: Why can't Cinderella play soccer?
A: Because she's always running away from the ball.

Q: What did one toilet say to the other
A: You look a bit flushed.

Q: Why did the computer go to the doctor?
A: It had a virus.

Q: How does a cucumber become a pickle?
A: It goes through a jarring experience.

Q: Why can't a cheetah play hide and seek?
A: Because he's always spotted

Q: What did the Dalmatian say after lunch?
A: That hit the spot!

Q: What did one toilet say to the other?
A: You look flushed.

Q: Why do porcupines always win the game?
A: They have the most points.

School Jokes for Kids

These cheesy jokes are a great play on words. A good pun relies on words that sound alike and can have a double meaning. Did you know a word or phrase open to two interpretations can be called a double entendre? That will get you extra credit at school

Q: Why did the boy bring a ladder to school?
A: He wanted to go to high school.

Q: Why wouldn't the teacher bring the class to the pumpkin patch?
A: It was in a seedy part of town.

Q: What did the buffalo say to his kid when he dropped him off for school?
A: Bison.

Q: Why did the students eat their homework?
A: Because the teacher told them that it was a piece of cake.

Q: Why didn't the sun go to college?
A: Because it already had a million degrees.

Q: Why was the math book depressed?
A: Because it had a lot of problems.

Q: What did you learn in school today?
A: Not enough! I have to go back tomorrow.

More Joking around!

We love funny jokes for kids. Here are some fun ways to share a joke a day! A kids joke tucked in a pocket or lunch is a great way to make a child smile halfway through their day. Playing a game like would you rather is another way to get a good laugh.

  • Printable lunch box Halloween Jokes
  • Valentine's Day Kids Jokes (free printable)
  • Food Jokes -(perfect for lunch boxes)
  • Laugh it up over these Christmas Jokes and Elf Jokes  (free printables)
  • Knock Knock Jokes for kids
  • Easter and Thanksgiving jokes make holidays fun!
  • Dad Jokes – as if kids want to hear more of these! lol
  • Laffy Taffy Jokes are always good. We love Laffy Taffy (banana for sure).
  • Nut Jokes – these are nutty but clean jokes for kids

So there you have it over 100 funny jokes for kids. Add in the links I shared for more super funny jokes and you have enough to share a kids joke of the day for kids all year long.

Be sure to read the comments some of the best kid-friendly jokes are there! Please leave your favorite funniest joke! We can never get too punny! lol.


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